Sunday, April 17, 2011

Carlo Suares - The Cipher of Genesis

For a more plausible and much more fascinating interpretation of the first book of the bible, read "The Cipher of Genesis".   

Friday, March 11, 2011

PRESAGES by Norman Cohan

Eloquent locution's psionic dive

Opens most post-terrestrials post-hive

Who choose to breakthrough the cultural trance

Many renascent crusaders enhance

Precisional visions of artisans refined

Imbuing unguents unhinging the mind

Cosmic doctors unlocking the void

Terminal adulthood they deftly avoid

Reflexive vis-a-vis what linkage exists

Twixt stellar vantages spin syntonists

An avalanche of avatars feeling zealous

In service deliver us delirious

          Aeonic strivings to upgrade the game
          Lively oracles preternally aflame