Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Language of Flowers and What They Mean


In the Victorian era, it became popular to send people messages told in the language of flowers. There was a fairly standard list, so if you received a bouquet of lemon blossoms, for example, you'd know that someone was promising you fidelity and faithfulness in their love for you. Many of these centuries-old flower meanings translate well into modern Paganism and Wicca -- after all, if magic uses symbolism, we can take this language of flowers and incorporate it into our day-to-day magical living.
Here is a partial list of flowers and their meanings.
  • Acacia: secret love
  • Agrimony: gratitude
  • Apple blossom: good fortunes
  • Arbor vitae: undying friendship
  • Bluebell: constancy of the heart, humility
  • Buttercup: childhood friendship
  • Carnation: pure love, devotion and dedication
  • Chrysanthemum: truth and honesty
  • Crocus: be cautious with my heart
  • Daisy: innocence, purity
  • Dandelion: flirtation
  • Forget-me-not: true love
  • Gardenia: happiness, joy
  • Geranium: I love you over all others
  • Honeysuckle: faithfulness and devotion
  • Iris: respect, honor
  • Ivy: marriage, fidelity
  • Lavender: distrust, a fickle heart
  • Lemon blossom: fidelity and faithfulness
  • Lilac: innocence, pure love
  • Lily of the valley: happiness
  • Magnolia: perseverance
  • Morning glory: flirtation, admiration
  • Narcissus: self-absorption
  • Orchid: rare and exotic beauty
  • Peony: shyness, bashful
  • Periwinkle: fond memories of past meetings
  • Phlox: a joining of two hearts
  • Rose: love (pink for innocent love)
  • Rosemary: remember me
  • Snapdragon: you presume too much about my feelings
  • Sunflower: all is not as it seems
  • Sweet William: a gallant and honorable admirer
  • Tulip: a declaration of love
  • Violet: faithfulness, dedication
  • Wisteria: welcoming a new person into your life
  • Zinnia: missing absent friends 
by Patti Wiginton

For more detailed lists google Language of Flowers

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