Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Language of Flowers and What They Mean


In the Victorian era, it became popular to send people messages told in the language of flowers. There was a fairly standard list, so if you received a bouquet of lemon blossoms, for example, you'd know that someone was promising you fidelity and faithfulness in their love for you. Many of these centuries-old flower meanings translate well into modern Paganism and Wicca -- after all, if magic uses symbolism, we can take this language of flowers and incorporate it into our day-to-day magical living.
Here is a partial list of flowers and their meanings.
  • Acacia: secret love
  • Agrimony: gratitude
  • Apple blossom: good fortunes
  • Arbor vitae: undying friendship
  • Bluebell: constancy of the heart, humility
  • Buttercup: childhood friendship
  • Carnation: pure love, devotion and dedication
  • Chrysanthemum: truth and honesty
  • Crocus: be cautious with my heart
  • Daisy: innocence, purity
  • Dandelion: flirtation
  • Forget-me-not: true love
  • Gardenia: happiness, joy
  • Geranium: I love you over all others
  • Honeysuckle: faithfulness and devotion
  • Iris: respect, honor
  • Ivy: marriage, fidelity
  • Lavender: distrust, a fickle heart
  • Lemon blossom: fidelity and faithfulness
  • Lilac: innocence, pure love
  • Lily of the valley: happiness
  • Magnolia: perseverance
  • Morning glory: flirtation, admiration
  • Narcissus: self-absorption
  • Orchid: rare and exotic beauty
  • Peony: shyness, bashful
  • Periwinkle: fond memories of past meetings
  • Phlox: a joining of two hearts
  • Rose: love (pink for innocent love)
  • Rosemary: remember me
  • Snapdragon: you presume too much about my feelings
  • Sunflower: all is not as it seems
  • Sweet William: a gallant and honorable admirer
  • Tulip: a declaration of love
  • Violet: faithfulness, dedication
  • Wisteria: welcoming a new person into your life
  • Zinnia: missing absent friends 
by Patti Wiginton

For more detailed lists google Language of Flowers

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that tends to occur (and recur) as the days grow shorter in the fall and winter. It is believed that affected people react adversely to the decreasing amounts of sunlight and the colder temperatures as the fall and winter progress. It is important to note that although seasonal affective disorder usually presents in the fall and winter there are those who suffer from this condition during the summer instead of, or in addition to, during the fall or winter.

Seasonal affective disorder has not been long recognized as an official diagnosis. The term first appeared in print in 1985. Seasonal affective disorder is also sometimes called winter depression, winter blues, or the hibernation reaction.

The incidence of seasonal affective disorder increases in people who are living farther away from the equator. Statistics on seasonal affective disorder in the United States include that this disorder occurs in about 5% of adults, with up to 20% of people having some symptoms of the condition but not sufficient enough to meet diagnostic criteria for this disorder. Seasonal affective disorder is less common where there is snow on the ground. Seasonal affective disorder is about four times more common in women than men, and the average age of people when they first develop this illness is 23 years of age. People of all ages can develop seasonal affective disorder.


Runes are letters in a family of ancient alphabets known as runic alphabets. Runes were used as a method of communication across Scandinavia and in other Germanic nations from around the 3rd century CE to around the 13th century, when they were displaced by the Roman alphabet. Thousands of examples of runic inscriptions can be found in stones, coins, and artwork, and many Scandinavian countries also boast extensive collections of runic manuscripts. Runes are also used by some people as a tool for divination, since these individuals believe that runes have mysterious powers.

Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT

What is Emotional Freedom Technique 

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of alternative psychotherapy, that purports to manipulate the body's energy field by tapping on acupuncture points while a specific traumatic memory is focused on, in order to alleviate a psychological problem.

The Setup

Tapping points on upper body and hand

  For more information go to: or google Emotional Freedom Technique

Remote Viewing - The Stargate Chronicles, Memoirs of a Psychic Spy

Joseph McMoneagle is now known as the best Operational Remote Viewer in the history of the U.S. Army's Special Project - Stargate.  He was the only remote viewer who worked one-on-one with the out-of-body pioneer Robert Monroe, and who has achieved intelligence collection results that have never been surpassed and rarely equaled..........The Stargate Chronicles, Memoirs of a Psychic Spy.

For more information read the book or go to:

Remote Viewing

STAR GATE [Controlled Remote Viewing]

STAR GATE was one of a number of "remote viewing programs" conducted under a variety of code names, including SUN STREAK, GRILL FLAME, and CENTER LANE by DIA and INSCOM, and SCANATE by CIA. These efforts were initiated to assess foreign programs in the field; contract for basic research into the the phenomenon; and to evaluate controlled remote viewing as an intelligence tool. 

The program consisted of two separate activities. An operational unit employed remote viewers to train and perform remote viewing intelligence-gathering. The research program was maintained separately from the operational unit. 

This effort was initiated in response to CIA concerns about reported Soviets investigations of psychic phenomena. Between 1969 and 1971, US intelligence sources concluded that the Soviet Union was engaged in "psychotronic" research. By 1970, it was suggested that the Soviets were spending approximately 60 million rubles per year on it, and over 300 million by 1975. The money and personnel devoted to Soviet psychotronics suggested that they had achieved breakthroughs, even though the matter was considered speculative, controversial and "fringy." 

The initial research program, called SCANATE [scan by coordinate] was funded by CIA beginning in 1970. Remote viewing research began in 1972 at the Stanford Research Institute [SRI] in Menlo Park, CA. This work was conducted by Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, once with the NSA and at the time a Scientologist. The effort initially focused on a few "gifted individuals" such as New York artist Ingo Swann, an OT Level VII Scientologist. Many of the SRI "empaths" were from the Church of Scientology. Individuals who appeared to show potential were trained and taught to use talents for "psychic warfare." The minimum accuracy needed by the clients was said to be 65%, and proponents claim that in the later stages of the training effort, this accuracy level was "often consistently exceeded."..............

Information taken from an article on the following website:


Introduction to Mudras

What mudras are.
Mudras are positions of the body that have some kind of influence on the energies of the body, or your mood. Mostly the hands and fingers are held in some position, but the whole body may be part of the mudra as well.
Gyan mudraThe most well-known mudras are probably the ones performed while meditating. One sits in lotus position (or with crossed legs) and either puts one's hands on the knees, the tips of the thumb and index finger joining, or in the lap, the fingers of the right hand resting on the left palm. But also the christian crossing of the fingers for prayer is a mudra, as is the indian greeting gesture (that is also used while praying), where the hands are held in front of the chest, the palms touching.
The crossing of the hands puts one's attention within, while opening the heart. The indian greeting gesture puts one into a mood of respect.
Hakini mudraSome mudras are performed spontaneously by many people, like the Hakini mudra, where the tips of all fingers from the right hand touch the corresponding fingertips from the left.
Mudras have been in use in the East for thousands of years, particularly in Buddhism. Buddha statues often have the hands in certain hand positions. They have been used as a spiritual practice (and still are), as a way on the path to enlightenment.

This article on Mudras was found at the following website:

Gods, Genes, and Conciousness

Nonhuman intervention in human history???

In recent decades, scientific and historical research has made it possible to validate much historical information in the Bible and other ancient texts or artifacts.  For instance, we now know the Hebrew Pentateuch and the Hindu Rig Veda accurately describe geographical details (mountains, deserts, and rivers) of the Middle East and India respectively.  They name kingdoms, rulers, and battles that can be corroborated by other sources.  They describe cultures that can be verified through archaeology and anthropology.  They contain authenticated facts about astronomy, agriculture, social practices, and institutions.  Therefore, that they speak of AB (Alien Being) involvement in human origins should be taken seriously.................

Monday, July 26, 2010

Julian Jaynes

The Origin of Consciousness in The Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

Bicameralism (psychology) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

In psychology, bicameralism is a hypothesis which argues that the human brain once assumed a state known as a bicameral mind in which cognitive functions are divided between one part of the brain which appears to be "speaking", and a second part which listens and obeys.

The term was coined by psychologist Julian Jaynes, who presented the idea in his 1976 book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, wherein he made the case that a bicameral mentality, that is to say a mental state in which there are two distinct sections of consciousness, was the normal and ubiquitous state of the human mind as recently as 3000 years ago. 

He used governmental bicameralism to metaphorically describe such a state, in which the experiences and memories of the right hemisphere of the brain are transmitted to the left hemisphere via auditory hallucinations. This mental model was replaced by the conscious mode of thought, which Jaynes argues is grounded in the acquisition of metaphorical language. The idea that language is a necessary component of subjective consciousness and more abstract forms of thinking has been gaining acceptance in recent years, with proponents such as  Daniel Dennett, William H. Calvin, Merlin Donald, John Limber, Howeard Margolis, Peter Carruthers and Jose Luis Bermudez.

Google "the Bicameral Mind" for more information

William Blake - Painter, Poet, Mystic.......1757-1827

Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun

Evelyn Underhill

Mysticism - book written by Evelyn Underhill

Excerpt taken from Part I Chapter I "Mysticism - The Point of Departure"

The most highly developed branches of the human family have in common one peculiar characteristic.  They tend to produce-sporadically it is true, and often in the teeth of adverse external circumstance-a curious and definite type of personality; a type which refuses to be satisfied with that which other men call experience, and is inclined, in the words of its enemies, to "deny the world in order that it may find reality."  We meet these persons in the east and the west; in the ancient, medieval, and modern worlds.  Their one passion appears to be the prosecution of a certain spiritual and intangible quest: the finding of a "way out" or a "way back" to some desirable state in which for them, has constituted the whole meaning of life.  They have made for it without effort sacrifices which have appeared enormous to other men.................

Excerpt taken from Part I Chapter VII "Mysticism and Magic".

"Magical operations," says Eliphas Levi," are the exercise of a power which is natural, but superior to the ordinary powers of nature.  They are the result of a science and of habits, which exalt the human will above its usual limits."  This power of the will is now recognized as playing an important part both in the healing of the body and the healing of the soul .......

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Apocalypse - by Norman Cohan.

  Norman's poems fascinate me.  They are look beneath the surface.

Ominous tones of psychosocial stress
Hasten a catharsis in consciousness
To carry culture athwart the chasm
A kindling ignites an inkling a spur
As purgatives and paradigms concur
In this time of parenthesis - Atone
Shockwaves are swelling the marginal zone
A luminous rush ineffably slips
Across the epoch of Apocalypse
This crisis point with miracles gifted
Is swiftly into epiphanies lifted
       One the road a godsend a prod a goad
       To go into godhood and then explode

Image by Artist Alex Grey


The Sufis believe that the soul has 6 senses.  They are centers/chakras called Latifa that can be activated by appropriate spiritual exercises.

When these senses are activated by meditation or prayer, the person is able to sense the nearness and presence of a/the Divine Being.

This is known as a process for  "joining with the Beloved", or "mystical union with God".

These centers are:


For more information Google "Lataif".

Chuck Izard 1933 - 2002

Chuck graduated from Brooks Institute of Photography in 1958.  

He very rarely worked as a photographer, but no matter what his job was, he always had a darkroom, he always had a camera, and he always took pictures. 

It was his passion and fulfillment.

Chuck Izard's Bull

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